If you’re looking to sell your comic book collection, you might not know where to start. You may have no idea how much to expect your collection to sell for, …
Guest Submission

Ruin of The Dreaming: Waking Hours by G. Willow Wilson and Nick Robles Legacy series are tricky things. You want to honor the stories that came before, stories in which readers have …
UPDATE: We’re happy to say that our friend Ashley V. Robinson’s Kickstarter campaign for her comic book AURORA & THE EAGLE #1 was successfully funded! The money raised will go …
Back in the early 2000s, PlayStation’s Twisted Metal video games were always known as THE iconic car combat games. Throughout each PlayStation generation, we were blessed with the thrill of playing …
If you are exhausted from the fast-paced competitive high stakes games like League of Legends or Overwatch, I have the game for you. Stardew Valley is the hit Indie game …
The latest Marvel Netflix series introduces Danny Rand, the titular Iron Fist to modern audiences. Originally introduced in the 70’s as a Caucasian boy raised to be a warrior among …
An essay by Robyn Hang for GWST-1501: Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies at York University focusing on the film Moonlight as an example of representation in the media with intersectionality …
Submitted by an anonymous former employee of American DocuPrep: Hi there, I previously worked for American DocuPrep as a Student Loan Advisor, well that’s the title I would tell people over the phone. …
There is so much anime to watch out there, this list barely scratches the surface. If you look hard enough, there is an anime out there for you. The wonderful …
Anime first appeared on the American television in the 60’s with Speed Racer (Mach Go, Go, Go) and Gigantor. In the 70’s came Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman) and Star …