As such I wanted to give my brief thoughts in regards to some of the latest haul I’ve bought from my favorite retailer, Third Eye Comics.
DC Comics
It’s no secret that superhero movies are the biggest thing now, so here are ten superhero movies to look forward to over the next few years.
Tom Taylor is returning to the video game world of Injustice to tell a prequel story called Injustice: Year Zero.
ComicsDC ComicsFilm & TV
Batman: Death in the Family – An Interactive Movie Giving Fans the Choice (Again)
by Neil Buiby Neil BuiWarner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment are taking their first-ever venture into interactive storytelling with an adaptation of the landmark Batman: Death in the Family.
ComicsDC ComicsReviews
Superman Smashes the Klan By Being True to His Alien Heritage
by Neil Buiby Neil BuiGiven his experience in writing stories about racial struggles and understanding identity, Gene Luen Yang is the perfect person to write this kind of story starring Superman, quite possibly the …
DC Comics
DC Comics Expands DC Digital First to Make Everyday New Comic Book Day #NCBD
by Neil Buiby Neil BuiFans can expect a new slate of comics each day of the week thanks to DC Comics’ expansion of their Digital First publishing program. Successful titles released under this program …