What kind of impact will the Snyder Cut have on creative control, and passion projects?
As such I wanted to give my brief thoughts in regards to some of the latest haul I’ve bought from my favorite retailer, Third Eye Comics.
It’s no secret that superhero movies are the biggest thing now, so here are ten superhero movies to look forward to over the next few years.
Lezhin launches hundreds of webtoon episodes on Anime-Planet’s read online portal.
Tom Taylor is returning to the video game world of Injustice to tell a prequel story called Injustice: Year Zero.
#My500ComicGoal is meant to bring fans together to share what they are reading and form a welcoming group for one another.
ComicsDC ComicsFilm & TV
Batman: Death in the Family – An Interactive Movie Giving Fans the Choice (Again)
by Neil Buiby Neil BuiWarner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment are taking their first-ever venture into interactive storytelling with an adaptation of the landmark Batman: Death in the Family.