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Contact Us

Would you like to contribute to Dorkaholics? Have a suggestion for a story? Want to give us the latest press release? Any general comments or suggestions? Feel free to contact us by email: hello [at] dorkaholics [dot] com.

Submit your work

We always have room for individuals interested in being part of a growing media platform. We welcome submissions by freelance writers, photographers, and videographers. So please feel free to submit your work in the form below. Whether you are an established professional or someone up-and-coming and you feel your work suits our style and quality, we can’t wait to hear from you! If you’re interested in a recurring opportunity, then consider heading over to the Join Us page.


  • Recognition: You will receive recognition for the work you contribute – your work will include your byline, social media accounts, and even your own bio.
  • Self-Driven: You have a say in the direction of your work, whether you’re an expert eager to share your predictions and opinions, an explorer looking to dive deep into something new with a different point-of-view, a devil’s advocate looking to challenge the mainstream opinion or one of many dorkaholics who no longer want to be anonymous.
  • Think Critically: Be sure to explore the reasons behind your critique, views, opinions. Don’t just answer how something made you feel, explain why it did so. Bring attention to what is done well. Educate others by dissecting the components of the work. Begin a discussion. Challenge assumptions.
  • In-Depth and Concise: We don’t have word requirements, but we tend to publish posts that are at least 750 words. Our content is detailed and dives deep, but we are careful to avoid being repetitive.
  • Thoroughly Edited: While the dorkaholics editorial team will do their part in editing your work before publication, we strongly encourage contributors to go over their submissions multiple times before it gets to us.
  • Respect Copyright: Please include the proper attribution for third-party photos and videos accompanying your work.
  • Disclose Information: Please provide disclaimer information for complimentary copies of reviewed media.

Donate to our contests

Throughout the year, we hold contest giveaways. In the past, we have given away comic book subscriptions, movie posters, and convention exclusives. If you would like to to provide anything that you believe would appeal to our readership, please let us know.

Contact us about advertising

We are interested in forming partnerships with top-notch advertising networks. We work with sponsors to create advertising experiences tailored to the interests of our online readers, with advertising available in different sizes, formats, and channels.

Our strength in delivering free, up-to-date information for pop culture enthusiasts is a result of the confidence in our staff and contributors. Because we pride ourselves on being high quality, we must adhere to a limit in order to maintain a clean design that is easy to read.

Please fill out the form below for more information about our audience and advertising opportunities.

Request a Review

If you have a piece a work (i.e. comic book, graphic novel, animated short, fan film, etc.), just ask in the form below.