The things that poor ass goes through during the course of this film… (Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox)
Oh hi there! I see you’re reading my review of Deadpool. Well sit back and strap in, ladies and gentlemen, because this isn’t going to be your typical glowing or scathing review. At best, it’s lukewarm. Yeah, that sounds about right. Though that makes it sound boring. Crap. It’s not boring, I swear! Just, uh…just read it and if you don’t like it you can go read another more conventional article on Dorkaholics. We have plenty…my personal favorite is probably that X-Files one…no idea why… *wink*wink*
Ok, JP, time to focus. What was I writing about? Tacos? No. Chimichangas? No. Oh yeah, Deadpool! Ok, so:
I liked it.
Cool, thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading, honey, now go watch the movie again so Fox will fund a sequel. (Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox)
Oh, ok, so the Dorkaholics guys are saying I need to stop messing around and just review the freakin’ movie already. *sigh* Ok, fine…
Now I may be a bit biased as a Marvel purist – meaning I’m one of those obnoxious people who won’t shut up about how Fox needs to sell the movie rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four back to Marvel – but the movie didn’t blow me away. At the same time, it didn’t disappoint as much as I’ve come to expect from the Fox-produced Marvel films (oh, Fant4stic, you beautiful tragedy!). In describing the film to friends I’ve noticed myself repeating one phrase over and over again: “perfectly adequate.” If you’re a fan of Deadpool, chances are you’ll enjoy his film. If you’re a fan of violent dark action-comedies, this will probably be a fun experience for you. If you’re a fan of non-traditional superhero stories boobies, Deadpool will leave you happy. But for what it does well in tone and style, it tends to fall a little short in the story and character development.
The opening credits are actually a – oh, wait…um…spoilers? Kind of…not really.
Yeah, so the opening credits are actually a gag making fun of movie clichés. Instead of actually naming the actors or crew, we see credits like “A Hot Chick,” “A CGI Character,” and “A Moody Teen.” While this is a great joke, it plays into a major problem with the film: underdeveloped characters with little more than a single personality trait – a staple of Fox-Marvel productions. The story, too, is nothing special. It’s your basic revenge story with a couple of X-Men (literally a couple…they even joke in the movie that they could only afford two) shoehorned in to remind you “Yes, Fox still owns X-Men and the word ‘mutant.’ Just doing our best to make movies as good as Marvel Studios while saying continuity and timelines are absolutely irrelevant to our X-Men Cinematic Universe.”

Seriously, guys, you didn’t have to make a boring Colossus who further destroys the movie continuity tag along. (Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox)
Alright, quick lists time!
Pros: generally funny moments, decent production design with the exception of Deadpool himself – who looked fantastic, well-cast, entertaining, R-rating, best Stan Lee cameo, best post-credits scene, good choices for songs in the soundtrack, non-traditional superhero antics boobies (and Ryan Reynolds’…um…nether regions, if you’re into that)
Cons: mild pacing problems, underdeveloped characters/plot, forgettable original score material, could have been better off without the X-Men, no tacos, 20th Century Fox
Overall, it would seem Fox has redeemed themselves after the way they destroyed the Deadpool character in The-X-Men-Movie-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. I would give it a solid 3 out of 5 tacos and recommend it for adults – seriously, don’t take the kids – who enjoy goofy violent black action-comedies.
Man, that was a pretty cool way to start all the big Marvel and DC superhero movies for the year. Can’t wait for the next one, it’s going to be aweso-……oh God, it’s Batman v Superman…