I know it hasn’t been too long since I posted the last Dorkaholics Monthly Topic, but consider this me getting back on track and ahead of my editorial calendar. A…
I had planned for the content theme of last month and this month to be about relationships and leadership respectively. Unfortunately, the chaotic nature of the last two months, due…
Ruin of The Dreaming: Waking Hours by G. Willow Wilson and Nick Robles Legacy series are tricky things. You want to honor the stories that came before, stories in which readers have…
I like to think I have a pretty good memory. I remember conversations with my mom at the ages of two and three that she has confirmed actually happened. But…
As Dorkaholics enters its 6th year, I would like to announce a shift in what we cover and how we intend to do it. If you’ve been reading over the…
I loved the original Star Wars trilogy. I wasn’t a fan or a nerd for the particulars of the universe. I didn’t even know those were options. I loved it…
“What are you?” As is often the case for Asian people and other people of color, I’ve been asked this a lot. So hearing Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), a white…
From a viewer’s perspective, the first season of Watchmen is riveting. From a critical and social perspective, it’s frustrating. Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of The Sympathizer, detailed in a Washington…
Since its debut, BoJack Horseman has wowed us with its singular vision and oddball animated universe, where upright-walking animals share their lives with humans and Olympic-level wordplay shares priority with…
An essay by Robyn Hang for GWST-1501: Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies at York University focusing on the film Moonlight as an example of representation in the media with intersectionality…