How can we be talking about Christmas already? Well, it’s October 2020, and after this year, lots of us need something to look forward to. It’s not likely that Christmas will look like it would traditionally for some people- family gatherings, parties, gift exchanges, falling asleep from eating too much… It might be a lot more low-key than usual, and some may even find themselves having to spend time alone this Christmas if they’re unable to travel to spend time with their friends and families.
This doesn’t mean that all is lost- there are still plenty of ways you can create your own fun at Christmas, even if you’re spending the season alone. It doesn’t have to be sad.
Here are some of the ways you can make the most of a sad situation.
Dress Up
When home alone with nobody to comment, many of us enjoy getting comfortable in our ‘lounge wear’. It’s Christmas, and it needs to be celebrated correctly. It’s the time to proudly wear our Star Wars Christmas Sweaters for days on end. To crown our heads with the glory that is the Santa hat and to decorate ourselves as though we were glorious Christmas trees ourselves. (Hipster ornament beard- it’s your time to shine!)
Getting up and dressed will also help to give purpose to the day.
Create a Banquet for One
Just because you’re alone for Christmas doesn’t mean that you don’t still get to enjoy the food! Make yourself a meal of a turkey steak, some potatoes and your favorite sides. Dessert? Have whatever you want. Snacks? Go HAM. Bake gingerbread if you want to… Nobody is going to come knocking down your door because you’re choosing to eat a Christmas meal without people to share it with. Do it up! If you don’t wanna eat Christmas food, guess what? That’s fine, too. Whatever you choose to eat, make it special. Put down the ramen and the boxed mac n cheese!

Binge Watch Christmas Movies and Shows
A Solo Christmas is the perfect time to watch and rewatch your favorite Christmas movies without fear of judgement from others if you shed a tear at the end of ‘It’s a wonderful life’. Take the time to curate your perfect movie marathon (Yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and don’t let anybody tell you anything otherwise!). Does your favorite show have a Christmas special? Watch them. On repeat. It could also be a good opportunity to get to listen to podcasts while you do things you enjoy. Have fun- you deserve it.
Video Call Distant Friends and Relatives
If the 2020 pandemic taught us anything- it’s that staying connected with friends and family is incredibly important. Especially on special occasions. If spending the whole day alone doesn’t sound like fun to you, why not make sure to spend some time video chatting with loved ones? You could even download apps such as Houseparty and Netflix Party to make sure everyone is part of the fun- even at a distance.