Warners Bros. and DC Entertainment have David Goyer and Justin Rhodes tasked with writing the script for Green Lantern Corps. Goyer will also be producing with Geoff Johns and Jon Berg as executive producers.

John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps. Art by Bernard Chang for the cover of ‘Green Lantern Corps’ #22. Courtesy of DC Comics.
Goyer and Johns have conceived a plot that will be an origin story as well as “Lethal Weapon in space.” We will be introduced to John Stewart, theAmerican Marine sniper who will be Earth’s second member of the Green Lantern Corps. We can expect to see the film to have some development on his relationship with his predecessor Hal Jordan as well as the rest of the Corps. Here’s hoping to a better-looking CGI-rendered Kilowag, poozers!
It is uncertain whether or not Warner Bros. will be approaching Ryan Reynolds to reprise the role of Hal “Highball” Jordan that he held in the 2011 adaptation of Green Lantern. He has had success as the Merc with a Mouth in Deadpool (2016) and currently working on the sequel. There’s no reason why he would go back to being the Green Lantern. Unless it is to make more jokes about it.
Fans will recognize David Goyer for his work on the story of films including Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Man of Steel, and Batman v Superman.
Justin Rhodes’s résumé includes the upcoming Fantastic Voyage remake to be directed by Guillermo del Toro, with Goyer as executive producer.
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