Comedy Central’s Another Period follows the lives of the obscenely rich Bellacourt family and their many servants in turn-of-the-century Rhode Island.
The only title I could come up with was: “Hope you like rape jokes and double standards.”
Do you like Keeping Up With The Kardashians? Me neither. Have you ever thought that what the world really needs, is a parody of reality shows starring rich assholes that suffer from chronic backstabbing disorder and ennui? Maybe, if it were good. Have you ever thought that said parody of reality shows should be set around a hilariously inaccurate version of the early 1900s, and also parody rich bitches of the past century? I wasn’t really asking for it, and odds are neither were you, but someone at Comedy Central decided it should be done, and it’s called Another Period.
Another Period has a handful of stars who are regulars on Comedy Central, either as guest stars or part of the cast; which is composed of the wealthy Bellacourt family, as well as their servants who are absolutely devoted to the family.
There are many jokes about a consensual incestuous relationship between the two twins Beatrice and Frederick, which is done quite hilariously. She even states “He’s more into women his own age, like exactly his own age!”
However, the second episode makes a horrible attempt at using the sexual assault and rape of a male servant by an upper-class female as some sort of black comedy. At this point, I couldn’t continue the show past that episode. A character even states at one point “men cannot be ravished.” Fuck that. If this show were depicting a female servant being raped by an upper-class male and tried to pass it off as a comedy, this show would be taken off of the air immediately because of all the backlash it would cause. The fact that it’s gotten a second season is horrible.
Comedy, in general, can’t allow this double standard where female rape is considered the ultimate crime but male rape is considered a funny joke at the expense of a traumatized victim. This issue should’ve been nipped in the bud 10 years ago.
Besides the rape jokes, if you want to see a bunch of rich assholes annoy the shit out of you, Another Period is all yours. I’m not gonna be seeing it again anytime soon.