Barbie follows the lives of Barbie and Ken in Barbie Land but upon arriving in the Real World, they find a not so plastic-friendly world.
Margot Robbie
While Damien Chazelle’s biggest success ‘La La Land’ touched souls with a heartwarming story, ‘Babylon’ is a wild tale of early Hollywood.
A third Wonder Woman by Patty Jenkins would no longer be in the works as DC Studios’ new leadership team finalize their multi-year plan.
A new trailer for the highly anticipated feature film, Babylon, has dropped! This trailer explores the depravity of Hollywood in the 1920s.
Suicide Squad isn’t a good movie. By now this is merely a statement of the echo chamber that’s been going about the internet through the past week. The movie suffers…
Suicide Squad – Official Trailer 1 [HD] Let me make this clear–I know absolutely nothing about comics. When I saw Avengers for the first time, my first thought was why…