The Marvels Review: A Marvelous Cast But Not So Marvelous Story | Dorkaholics
Home Film & TV The Marvels Review: A Marvelous Cast But Not So Marvelous Story

The Marvels Review: A Marvelous Cast But Not So Marvelous Story

by Andrew Nguyen

The Marvels starring Brie Larson, Imen Vellani, and Teyonah Parris features a classic MCU assembling with Captain Marvel, Captain Monica Rambeau and Ms. Marvel where they must find a way to stop a villain who is hellbent on seeking revenge on Carol Danver’s actions while multiple planet’s fates are at stake.


One of the major strengths of the movie is the chemistry of the three main characters: Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau. The best part of the film was seeing all three on screen together. The fight scenes with all three of them working together was entertaining and so fun to watch as well. Although I felt that in the first Captain Marvel, Brie Larson was limited in range of emotions as she was figuring her character out, this sequel gave the opportunity of Brie to explore more of the emotional depth of her character. We also must give flowers to Teyonah Parris’s portrayal of Monica Rambeau because without her, we wouldn’t be able to have a strong emotional connection throughout the film. Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan is becoming one of my favorite MCU characters to see on screen. She is so fun, and fun is what we need for this phase.

Now although I thoroughly enjoyed the performances, one of the biggest flaws is the choppiness of the film, and it felt as if there were little to no stakes. The film was way shorter than it should have been. The film felt very incomplete, and the villain played by Zawe Ashton was unfortunately very forgettable to me. How the film resolves its main plot and its subplots, seems very convenient and it didn’t have enough substance to clearly explain how we go from point A to point B, instead we went straight to point C.


Although The Marvels had a great performance led by amazing actresses, the story suffered a lot through its inconsistent shift of tone and rushing through to the destination rather than enjoying the journey.

Where to watch The Marvels

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